Reading the Output of a Weather Station Using Software Defined Radio
A while back, Dave ordered a weather station.
His research pointed to the
Ambient Weather WS-2000 as the best bang for the buck as far as accuracy
(after it's calibrated, which is a time consuming and exacting process
where you compare readings to a known-good mercury thermometer, a process
that I suspect most weather station owners don't bother with).
It comes with a little 7" display console that sits indoors and reads the radio signal from the outside station as well as a second thermometer inside, then displays all the current weather data. It also uses wi-fi to report the data upstream to Ambient and, optionally, to a weather site such as Wunderground. (Which we did for a while, but now Wunderground is closing off their public API, so why give them data if they're not going to make it easy to share it?)
Having the console readout and the Ambient "dashboard" is all very
nice, but of course, being a data geek, I wanted a way to get the data
myself, so I could plot it, save it or otherwise process it. And
that's where Ambient falls short. The console, though it's already
talking on wi-fi, gives you no way to get the data. They sell a
separate unit called an "Observer" that provides a web page you
can scrape, and we actually ordered one, but it turned out to be
buggy and difficult to use, giving numbers that were substantially
different from what the console showed, and randomly failing to answer,
and we ended up returning the observer for a refund.
The other way of getting the data is online. Ambient provides an API you can use for that purpose, if you email them for a key. It mostly works, but it sometimes lags considerably behind real time, and it seems crazy to have to beg for a key and then get data from a company website that originated in our own backyard.
What I really wanted to do was read the signal from the weather
station directly. I'd planned for ages to look into how to do that,
but I'm a complete newbie to software defined radio and wasn't
sure where to start. Then one day I noticed an SDR discussion
on the #raspberrypi IRC channel on Freenode where I often hang out.
I jumped in, asked some questions, and got pointed in the right direction
and referred to the friendly and helpful #rtlsdr Freenode channel.
An Inexpensive SDR Dongle
Update: Take everything that follows with a grain of salt. I got it working, everything was great -- then when I tried it the very next day after I wrote the article, none of it worked. At all. The SDR dongle no longer saw anything from the station, even though the station was clearly still sending to the console.
I never did get it working reliably, nor did I ever find out what the problem was, and in the end I gave up. Occasionally the dongle will see the weather station's output, but most of the time it doesn't. It might be a temperature sensitivity issue (though the dongle I bought is supposed to be temperature compensated). Or maybe it's gremlins. Whatever it is, be warned that although the information below might get you started, it probably won't get you a reliably working SDR solution. I wish I knew the answer.
On the experts' advice, I ordered a
Blog R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA Software Defined Radio with 2x
Telescopic Antennas on Amazon. This dongle apparently has better
temperature compensation than cheaper alternatives, it came with
a couple of different antenna options, and I was told it should
work well with Linux using a program called
Indeed it did. The command to monitor the weather station is
rtl_433 -f 915M
rtl_433 already knows the protocol for the WS-2000,
so I didn't even need to do any decoding or reverse engineering;
it produces a running account of the periodic signals being
broadcast from the station. rtl_433 also helpfully offers -F json
and -F csv
options, along with a few other formats.
What a great program!
JSON turned out to be the easiest for me to use; initially I thought CSV would be more compact, but rtl_433's CSV format includes fields for every possible quantity a weather station could ever broadcast. When you think about it, that makes sense: once you're outputting CSV you can't add a new field in mid-stream, so you'd better be ready for anything. JSON, on the other hand, lets you report just whatever the weather station reports, and it's easy to parse from nearly any programming language.
Testing the SDR Dongle
Full disclosure: at first, rtl_433 -f 915M
wasn't showing
me anything and I still don't know why. Maybe I had a loose connection
on the antenna, or maybe I got unlucky and the weather station picked
the exact wrong time to take a vacation. But while I was testing,
I found another program that was very helpful in testing whether
my SDR dongle was working: rtl_fm, which plays radio stations.
The only trick is finding the right arguments,
since the example from the man page just played static.
Here's what worked for me:
rtl_fm -f 101.1M -M fm -g 20 -s 200k -A fast -r 32k -l 0 -E deemp | play -r 32k -t raw -e s -b 16 -c 1 -V1 -That command plays the 101.1 FM radio station. (I had to do a web search to give me some frequencies of local radio stations; it's been a long time since I listened to normal radio.)
Once I knew the dongle was working, I needed to verify what frequency the weather station was using for its broadcasts. What I really wanted was something that would scan frequencies around 915M and tell me what it found. Everyone kept pointing me to a program called Gqrx. But it turns out Gqrx on Linux requires PulseAudio and absolutely refuses to work or install without it, even if you have no interest in playing audio. I didn't want to break my system's sound (I've never managed to get sound working reliably under PulseAudio), and although it's supposedly possible to build Gqrx without Pulse, it's a difficult build: I saw plenty of horror stories, and it requires Boost, always a sign that a build will be problematic. I fiddled with it a little but decided it wasn't a good time investment.
I eventually found a scanner that worked: RTLSDR-Scanner. It let me set limiting frequencies and scan between them, and by setting it to accumulate, I was able to verify that indeed, the weather station (or something else!) was sending a signal on 915 MHz. I guess by then, the original problem had fixed itself, and after that, rtl_433 started showing me signals from the weather station. It's not super polished, but it's the only scanner I've found that works without requiring PulseAudio.
That Puzzling Rainfall Number
One mystery remained to be solved. The JSON I was getting from the weather station looked like this (I've reformatted it for readablility):
{ "time" : "2019-01-11 11:50:12", "model" : "Fine Offset WH65B", "id" : 60, "temperature_C" : 2.200, "humidity" : 94, "wind_dir_deg" : 316, "wind_speed_ms" : 0.064, "gust_speed_ms" : 0.510, "rainfall_mm" : 90.678, "uv" : 324, "uvi" : 0, "light_lux" : 19344.000, "battery" : "OK", "mic" : "CRC" }
This on a day when it hadn't rained in ages. What was up with that
"rainfall_mm" : 90.678
I asked on the rtl_433 list and got a prompt and helpful answer: it's a cumulative number, since some unspecified time in the past (possibly the last time the battery was changed?) So as long as I make a note of the rainfall_mm number, any change in that number means new rainfall.
This being a snowy winter, I haven't been able to test that yet: the WS-2000 doesn't measure snowfall unless some snow happens to melt in the rain cup.
Some of the other numbers, like uv and uvi, are in mysterious unknown units and sometimes give results that make no sense (why doesn't uv go to zero at night? You're telling me that there's that much UV in starlight?), but I already knew that was an issue with the Ambient. It's not rtl_433's fault.
I notice that the numbers are often a bit different from what the Ambient API reports; apparently they do some massaging of the numbers, and the console has its own adjustment factors too. We'll have to do some more calibration with a mercury thermometer to see which set of numbers is right.
Anyway, cool stuff! It took no time at all to write a simple client for my WatchWeather web app that runs rtl_433 and monitors the JSON output. I already had WatchWeather clients collecting reports from Raspberry Pi Zero Ws sitting at various places in the house with temperature/humidity sensors attached; and now my WatchWeather page can include the weather station itself.
Meanwhile, we donated another
station to the Los Alamos Nature Center,
though it doesn't have the SDR dongle, just the normal Ambient console
reporting to Wunderground.
[ 13:20 Feb 12, 2019 More tech | permalink to this entry | ]