Shallow Thoughts : tags : chlorine
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Mon, 01 Aug 2011
We went exploring around the upper Skyline-to-the-Sea trail yesterday.
The mysterious chlorine smell was very evident, for the first time
this year. Usually I've first noticed it in early July or even June,
but although we had some very hot weather in early June this year,
it wasn't enough to bring out the smell. I've made no progress in
identifying it, but I continue to
tanoaks as the chlorine culprit.
It was a good day for reptiles, too. We surprised the biggest
ring-necked snake I've ever seen -- well over two feet long and
thicker than my thumb (which admittedly isn't saying much).
It hastened off the trail before I could get the camera out.
Then back at home, I found a small young alligator lizard splayed
out in the shade on the sidewalk of our back yard. We've occasionally
had alligator lizards here before, but never such a small one.
Again, no picture; instead we just watched as it made its way across
the yard to hide under the rosemary. I hope it stays around.
Tags: chlorine, nature
11:31 Aug 01, 2011
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Wed, 07 Jul 2010
![[Wild turkey chicks scuffling]](
Late last week in the field next to the parking lots at Rancho San
Antonio we had a chance to watch a wild turkey family foraging in
the dry grass. Two adults and twenty chicks -- that's quite a brood!
Two of the chicks got into a scuffle and kept it up the whole time we
watched them. The adults didn't seem interested, but some of the other
chicks gathered round to see what was going on.
Photos: Wild turkeys.
Meanwhile, in other nature news, the hot weather has brought the odd
unidentified chlorine smell back to the redwood forests. On the weekend,
when we were having 90-degree days, the smell was very noticable around
Purisima and El Corte de Madera, and on a few parts of Highway 9.
Today, though the weather is cooler, the smell was everywhere on the
Skyline trail at the top of Sanborn. Still no idea what's producing it.
Tags: nature, birds, chlorine
20:23 Jul 07, 2010
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Wed, 02 Jul 2008
Part of my reason for keeping this blog is keeping records of when
particular events happen. If there's no story attached, that doesn't
necessarily make for interesting reading. So I'll be brief, and just
mention that last weekend the mysterious chlorine smell (Dave calls
it a bleach smell) was fairly strong up on Skyline near Castle Rock;
but it was not noticable at all the previous super-hot week.
There goes the theory that it's temperature related.
And the bullfrogs are back at Walden West pond, though they're not
croaking very actively. We even managed to spot a (huge!) tadpole,
and the feet of something that looked like a crab but was probably
a crayfish.
Tags: nature, chlorine
23:55 Jul 02, 2008
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Sun, 15 Jul 2007
I continue to be puzzled by the mysterious
chlorine small that
sometimes wafts through the redwood forests during the warm
days of summer.
It's been fairly noticable for about a month now, though it's
patchy and doesn't occur everywhere.
Today's hike was on a trail called "The Lonely Trail", up above
Woodside. It was just as well that it was lonely: no one could see
Dave and me (mostly me) stopping to sniff bushes and trees and rotting
logs and dirt. But alas, no definite culprit emerged.
It did seem stronger when we were next to tanoak trees, though that
is virtually everywhere in these forests.
Tanoak is short for Tanbark-Oak, or Lithocarpus densiflorus.
It's not a true oak (genus Quercus) and is more closely related
to chestnuts. But it's like oaks in many ways -- the tough, shiny
leaves look a bit like larger versions of our local coast live oak
(though the distinctive veins make it easy to tell the two apart).
The acorns, too, are very similar to those of live oaks.
The smell definitely wasn't coming from the tanoak leaves, but it did
seem stronger near the trunks of some of the tanoaks. I'd always
assumed "tan" referred to color (since there are white oaks, black
oaks, blue oaks and red oaks, none of which are really those
colors). But what if it refers to a tree whose bark is particularly
high in tannic acid? What does tannic acid smell like, anyway?
This would still leave some mysteries. Tanoaks are all over bay area
parks, not just in redwood forests. What is it about the deep, shady
redwood forests which bring out this smell, where it's seldom obvious
in the tanoaks of the valleys or rolling hills? Some interaction
between tanoaks and redwoods, or ferns? Something that only happens
in the shade?
I never found a tree that gave me a clear answer -- I merely picked
up subtle hints of chlorine odor from the trunks of a few trees.
Returning home to the digital world, I learned that
the tanoak tree is indeed very high in tannins, and was extensively
harvested for tanning hides. The local native Americans also used
the acorns for flour, after leaching them to remove the bitter acid.
I found no references to odor from tanoak bark or wood,
but a few pages mentioned that the flowers, which hang in catkins,
have a foul odor. No one goes into specifics on this odor.
I didn't see many flower catkins on today's hike,
but they're listed as appearing in June through October.
Looks like I have a research project lined up for the next outing.
Tags: nature, chlorine
22:30 Jul 15, 2007
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Thu, 21 Jun 2007
Whew -- I think our resident squirrel Notch has finally had her long-overdue
litter. It wasn't immediately obvious, but she's been deflating over a
period of about a week. Since then she's gone off her mad burying
frenzy and gone back to eating the nuts we give her.
Last week, while she was still pregnant, she was kind enough to give
me a nice nut-burying exhibition right outside the office door, which
I got on video. She digs a hole, places the nut in and tries to pack
it down, decides it's not deep enough and pulls it out again, digs a
little deeper, jackhammers the nut into place with her nose, fills in
the hole then does her usual careful job of covering over the hole and
arranging leaves on top of it to hide the evidence.
Then she turns and digs up a nut that was buried two inches away and
eats it. Video
on youtube.
In other squirrel news, on an afternoon hike at Rancho San Antonio
yesterday I saw an Eastern Fox squirrel in the trees about halfway up the
first leg of the PG&E trail. Foxes are an invasive species (just
like Notch and her Eastern Grey friends who inhabit most of the
suburbs around here), so that's not good news for the native Western
Greys who have traditionally inhabited the park. I suppose it was just
a matter of time, since RSA is so close to suburbia, before the
non-native eastern squirrels invade and drive out the wimpy native
squirrels. It'll be interesting to see whether the western greys can
hold their own, or, if not, how long the invasion takes.
In non-squirrel news, we had a few very hot days last week (mid 90s)
and fled to the redwood forests to escape the heat one day, and
smelled that odd chlorine odor I've noticed before. The smell
was fairly faint this time. I asked my Bio teacher about it in class
last semester, but he didn't know what it might be, so it remains a
mystery for now. I'll be tracking whether it's there on all hot days,
or just some, this summer.
Tags: nature, squirrels, urban wildlife, chlorine
15:49 Jun 21, 2007
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Sat, 29 Jul 2006
A few weeks ago, hiking in the woods, I noticed it was happening
again: the smell of chlorine in a forest far away from pools or
other likely sources of chlorine smell. This happened about this time
last summer, too. It only lasts for a few weeks: apparently there's
something that blooms briefly in deep redwood forests which smells
like pool chlorine.
Whatever it is, it's pervasive and not very localized.
I never notice it getting stronger near any of the
trails where we hike -- it's more a general odor one notices while
driving along forest roads.
That makes it hard to narrow it down to a specific plant.
Googling wasn't entirely enlightening, but it did suggest that the
most likely culprit is a mushroom.
Various species of Mycena mushrooms apparently emit a
chlorine-like odor, especially when they're growing on wood.
Chlorine smells are also reported from
Marasmius oreades, the "fairy ring" or "scotch bonnet" mushroom,
and from Amanita chlorinosma and A. polypyramis.
But I didn't find anything about widespread seasonal blooms of
any of these mushrooms.
So the mystery remains, and I guess all that's left is to remember,
when hiking in the redwood forest at this time of year,
to stop and smell the mushrooms.
Tags: nature, chlorine
11:36 Jul 29, 2006
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