Shallow Thoughts : tags : audio
Akkana's Musings on Open Source Computing and Technology, Science, and Nature.
Thu, 18 Apr 2024
I mentioned last month that I'm learning guitar. It's been going well
and I'm having fun. But I've gotten to the point where I sometimes get
chords confused: a song is listed as using E major and I play D major
Also, it's important to practice transitions between chords,
which is easy when you only know three chords; but with eight or so,
I had stopped practicing transitions in general and was only practicing
the ones that occur in songs I like to play.
I found myself wishing I had something like flash cards for guitar chords.
Someone must have already written that, right? But I couldn't find
anything promising with a web search. And besides, it's more fun to
write programs than to flail at unhelpful search engines, and you
always end up learning something new.
Read more ...
Tags: guitar, linux, programming, python, audio
20:02 Apr 18, 2024
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Thu, 07 May 2020
Controlling PulseAudio from the Command Line
#tags linux,audio,pulseaudio,ubuntu,cmdline
PulseAudio via pavucontrol is all very nice, but it's time
consuming and fiddly: you have to do a lot of clicking in a lot of
tabs any time you want to change anything.
So I've been learning how to control PulseAudio from the command line,
so I can make aliases to switch between speakers quickly, or set audio
defaults at login time.
That was going to be a blog post, but I think this is going to be an
evolving document for quite some time, so instead, I just made it a
page on the Linux section of my website:
Controlling PulseAudio from the Command Line.
I also wrote a Python script,,
that uses some of these commands to provide clearer output and easier
switching. It even uses color and bold fonts if you have the
termcolor module installed. Like the document, this script is likely
to be evolving for quite some time.
Happy listening and recording!
Tags: linux, audio, pulseaudio, ubuntu
12:21 May 07, 2020
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Mon, 04 May 2020
(Note: this is not an alphabet post. You may have noticed I'm
a little stuck on I. I hope to get un-stuck soon; but first, here
are a pair of articles on configuring audio on Linux.)
I'm a very late adopter for PulseAudio. In the past, on my minimal
Debian machines,
any sound problem could be made better by apt-get remove pulseaudio.
But pulse seems like it's working better since those days,
and a lot of applications (like Firefox) require it, so it's
time to learn how to use it. Especially in these days
of COVID-19 and video conferencing, when I'll need to be using the
microphone and speakers a lot more. (I'd never actually had a reason
to use the microphone on my last laptop.)
Beginner tutorials always start with something like "Go into System
Preferences and click on Audio", leaving out anyone who doesn't use
the standard desktop. The standard GUI PulseAudio controller is
pavucontrol. It has four tabs.
Read more ...
Tags: linux, audio, pulseaudio, ubuntu
18:04 May 04, 2020
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Sun, 24 Nov 2019
I have a new laptop, a birthday present to myself last month.
For once, rather than buying a cut-rate netbook, I decided to
treat myself to a fancy Lenovo Carbon X1 with an up-to-date processor
and lots of RAM.
Since I have way more resources than I'm used to, I decided I'd try
installing a full Ubuntu and not trying to pare it down to a super
lightweight system. I'm still running the lightweight, fast, highly
configurable Openbox window manager instead of a full Gnome desktop:
Openbox does just what I tell it and no more, and doesn't surprise me
with random redesigns. But I did let Ubuntu install some system
utilities I've always avoided in the past, like NetworkManager and
PulseAudio. I decided I'd give them a chance, see if they've gotten
better since I last checked.
They have, though they're still a bit of a hassle to deal with.
NetworkManager can be controlled through nmcli, which is poorly
documented but works okay if you google long enough to find the
proper incancations. PulseAudio gave me a bit more trouble.
The standard GUI for controlling PulseAudio is pavucontrol
It showed two audio devices: "USB PnP Audio Device Analog Stereo" and
"Built-in Audio Analog Stereo". Turns out the USB PnP option is a
sound card built into the USB hub, a Totu tt-hb003a 11-in-1 USB-C hub
that lets me connect to a charger, external monitor, SD and micro-SD
slots, and extra USB ports without juggling a lot of extra cables.
Pulse assumes -- probably reasonably, though it's wrong in this case
-- that if I have a USB audio device connected, I probably want to use
it in preference to the laptop's built-in audio. That would make sense
if I had external speakers plugged in, but I left all my computer
speakers behind when I moved. I should probably order some speakers.
But meanwhile, I needed to persuade PulseAudio to ignore the hub and
use the laptop's built-in sound system.
Mute/Unmute via the Keyboard
The Lenovo, like most laptops, has a dedicated key for muting, Fn-F1.
It even has a little light on it to show whether it's muted. In
Openbox, pressing Fn-F1 actually muted the sound, and even turned on
the light. This is probably because I'd previously set
key="XF86AudioMute" to run amixer set Master toggle
in .config/openbox/rc.xml, which worked on my Pulse-free
pared-down Debian netbook. The problem is that pressing iFn-F1 again
didn't bring the sound back. Instead, it was unmuting the USB hub's audio.
Clicking "Set as fallback" on the built-in audio in pavucontrol made
no difference.
It turns out that it is virtually impossible to persuade PulseAudio to
use "Built-in Audio" when a "USB PnP Audio Device" is available. I
finally found the secret: in pavucontrol's Configuration tab,
set Profile for the PnP USB device to Off. Now only the
built-in device shows up in the other tabs.
But that amixer command still wasn't unmuting properly, so the next
step was to find a command that would actually unmute. Someone on
#linux suggested pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
and that worked great from the command line. But when I tried to bind it
in Openbox to the XF86AudioMute key, it did nothing. I still
don't understand why not; I wasted a lot of time comparing my
shell environment to openbox's environment and never found the
Back to web searching, I found an
askbuntu thread suggesting
some Openbox stanzas. In particular, it apparently works better to use
alsamixer rather than pactl. This finally worked for toggling mute:
<keybind key="XF86AudioMute">
<action name="Execute">
<command>amixer -q -D pulse sset Master toggle</command>
Volume Controls via Function Keys
Partial success! Unfortunately, the volume control commands in that
same askbuntu post, amixer -q -D pulse sset Master 3%+ unmute
did nothing. I had already noticed that in pavucontrol, the volume
controls didn't work either. In fact, if I started some music playing
and then called up alsamixer, channels like Master and Speaker didn't
do anything; the only channel that affected volume was ALSA PCM. After some
fiddling, I discovered that I had to change Master to PCM and
remove the -D pulse:
<keybind key="XF86AudioRaiseVolume">
<action name="Execute">
<command>amixer sset PCM 4%+ unmute</command>
<keybind key="XF86AudioLowerVolume">
<action name="Execute">
<command>amixer sset PCM 4%- unmute</command>
I'm sure I'll eventually need to fiddle some more. For one thing,
if I ever want to use audio during a talk (as I did briefly at my
Stonehenge talk earlier this year) I'll need to figure out how to
enable a temporary HDMI sound sink quickly without needing to fiddle
with pavucontrol. But for now, I'm happy to have
the basic laptop volume and mute keys working.
Tags: linux, audio, cmdline, window managers
15:43 Nov 24, 2019
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Fri, 20 Jul 2018
Such a classic Linux story.
For a video I'll be showing during tonight's planetarium presentation
Stars, and Satellites: Celestial Navigation Through the Ages, for
anyone in the Los Alamos area),
I wanted to get HDMI audio working from my laptop, running Debian Stretch.
I'd done that once before on this laptop
Presentation Setup Part I and
II) so I had some instructions to follow; but while aplay -l
showed the HDMI audio device, aplay -D plughw:0,3
didn't play anything and alsamixer
and alsamixergui
only showed two devices, not the long list of devices I was used to seeing.
Web searches related to Linux HDMI audio all pointed to pulseaudio,
which I don't use,
and I was having trouble finding anything for plain ALSA without pulse.
In the old days, removing pulseaudio used to be the cure
for practically every Linux audio problem. But I thought to myself,
It's been a couple years since I actually tried pulse, and people have
told me it's better now. And it would be a relief to have pulseaudio
working so things like Firefox would Just Work. Maybe I should try
installing it and see what happens.
So I ran an aptitude search pulseaudio
to find the
package name I'd need to install. Imagine my surprise when it turned
out that it was already installed!
So I did some more web searching to find out how to talk to pulse and
figure out how to enable HDMI, or un-mute it, or whatever it was I needed.
But to no avail: everything I found was stuff like "In the Ubuntu
audio panel, do this". The few pages I found that listed commands
to run didn't help -- the commands all gave errors.
Running short on time,
I reverted to the old days: aptitude purge pulseaudio
Rebooted to make sure the audio system was reset,
ran alsamixergui
and sure enough, there were all my normal devices, including the IEC958 device
for HDMI, which was indeed muted. I unmuted it, tried the video again --
and music blasted from my TV's speakers.
I'm sure there are machines where pulseaudio works. There are even
a few people who have audio setups complicated enough to need
something like pulseaudio. But in 2018, just as in 2006,
aptitude purge pulseaudio
is the easiest solution
to a Linux sound problem.
Tags: linux, audio, pulseaudio, hdmi, speaking
14:17 Jul 20, 2018
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Thu, 28 Sep 2017
Someone at our makerspace found a fun Halloween project we could do
at Coder Dojo: a
sensing pumpkin that laughs evilly when anyone comes near.
Great! I've worked with both PIR sensors and ping rangefinders,
and it sounded like a fun project to mentor. I did suggest, however,
that these days a Raspberry Pi Zero W is cheaper than an Arduino, and
playing sounds on it ought to be easier since you have frameworks like
ALSA and pygame to work with.
The key phrase is "ought to be easier".
There's a catch: the Pi Zero and Zero W don't
have an audio output jack like their larger cousins. It's possible to
get analog audio output from two GPIO pins (use the term "PWM output"
for web searches), but there's a lot of noise. Larger Pis have a built-in
low-pass filter to screen out the noise, but on a Pi Zero you have to
add a low-pass filter. Of course, you can buy HATs for Pi Zeros that
add a sound card, but if you're not super picky about audio quality,
you can make your own low-pass filter out of two resistors and two capacitors
per channel (multiply by two if you want both the left and right channels).
There are lots of tutorials scattered around the web about how to add
audio to a Pi Zero, but I found a lot of them confusing; e.g.
tutorial on Pi Zero sound has three different ways to edit the
system files, and doesn't specify things like the values of the
resistors and capacitors in the circuit diagram (hint: it's clearer if you
download the Fritzing file, run Fritzing and click on each resistor).
There's a clearer diagram in
Sudomod Forums:
PWM Audio Guide, but I didn't find that until after I'd made my own,
so here's mine.
Parts list:
- 2 x 270 Ω resistor
- 2 x 150 Ω resistor
- 2 x 10 nF or 33nF capacitor
- 2 x 1μF electrolytic capacitor
- 3.5mm headphone jack, or whatever connection you want to use to
your speakers
And here's how to wire it:
(Fritzing file, pi-zero-audio.fzz.)
This wiring assumes you're using pins 13 and 18 for the left and right
channels. You'll need to configure your Pi to use those pins.
Add this to /boot/config.txt:
Once you build your circuit up, you need to test it.
Plug in your speaker or headphones, then make sure you can play
anything at all:
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
If you need to adjust the volume, run alsamixer
use the up and down arrow keys to adjust volume. You'll have to press
up or down several times before the bargraph actually shows a change,
so don't despair if your first press does nothing.
That should play in both channels. Next you'll probably be curious
whether stereo is actually working. Curiously, none of the tutorials
address how to test this. If you ls /usr/share/sounds/alsa/
you'll see names like Front_Left.wav, which might lead you to
believe that aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
might play only on the left. Not so: it's a recording of a voice
saying "Front left" in both channels. Very confusing!
Of course, you can copy a music file to your Pi, play it (omxplayer
is a nice commandline player that's installed by default and handles
MP3) and see if it's in stereo. But the best way I found to test
audio channels is this:
speaker-test -t wav -c 2
That will play those ALSA voices in the correct channel, alternating
between left and right.
(MythTV has a good
of how to use speaker-test.
Not loud enough?
I found the volume plenty loud via earbuds, but if you're targeting
something like a Halloween pumpkin, you might need more volume.
The easy way is to use an amplified speaker (if you don't mind
putting your nice amplified speaker amidst the yucky pumpkin guts),
but you can also build a simple amplifier.
Here's one that looks good, but I haven't built one yet:
One Transistor Audio for Pi Zero W
Of course, if you want better sound quality, there are various places
that sell HATs with a sound chip and line or headphone out.
Tags: raspberry pi, electronics, audio, linux, hardware
15:49 Sep 28, 2017
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Fri, 30 Oct 2015
I of HDMI Presentation Setup on Linux, I covered the basics of getting
video and audio working over HDMI. Now I want to cover some finer-grained
details: some problems I had, and ways to make it easier to enable
HDMI when you need it.
Testing follies, delays, and screen blinking/flashing woes
While I was initially trying to get this working, I was using my own
short sound clip (one of the alerts I use for IRC) and it wasn't
working. Then I tried the test I showed in part I,
$ aplay -D plughw:0,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
and that worked fine.
Tried my sound clip again -- nothing. I noticed that my clip was mono
and 8-bit while the ALSA sample was stereo and 16-bit, and I wasted a
lot of time in web searches on why HDMI would play one and not the other.
Eventually I figured out that the reason my short
clip wasn't playing was that there's a delay when switching on HDMI sound,
and the first second two two of any audio may be skipped.
I found lots of complaints about people missing the first few seconds
of sound over HDMI, so this problem is quite common, and I haven't
found a solution.
So if you're giving a talk where you need to play short clips -- for
instance, a talk on bird calls -- be aware of this. I'm probably
going to make a clip of a few seconds of silence, so I can play silence
before every short clip to make sure I'm fully switched over to HDMI
before the clip starts:
aplay -D plughw:0,3 silence.wav osprey.wav
Another problem, probably related, when first starting an audio file:
the screen blinks brieftly off then on again, then blinks again a
little while after the clip ends. ("Flicker" turns out to be a better
term to use when web searching, though I just see a single blink, not
continued flickering). It's possible this is something about my home
TV, and I will have to try it with another monitor somewhere to see if
it's universal. It sounds like
bug 51421: Enabling HDMI sound makes HDMI video flicker,
but that bug was marked resolved in 2012 and I'm seeing this in 2015
on Debian Jessie.
Making HDMI the sound default
What a pain, to have to remember to add -D plughw:0,3 every time you
play a sound. And what do you do for other programs that don't have
that argument?
Fortunately, you can make HDMI your default sound output.
Create a file in your home directory called .asoundrc with
this in it (you may be able to edit this down -- I didn't try)
and then all audio will go to HDMI:
pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
ipc_key_add_uid false
ipc_perm 0660
slave {
pcm "hw:0,3"
rate 48000
channels 2
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_time 0
buffer_size 4096
pcm. !default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
Great! But what about after you disconnect? Audio will still be going
to HDMI ... in other words, nowhere. So rename that file:
$ mv .asoundrc asoundrc-hdmi
Then when you connect to HDMI, you can copy it back:
$ cp asoundrc-hdmi .asoundrc
What a pain, you say again! This should happen automatically!
That's possible, but tricky: you have to set up udev rules and scripts.
See this
Linux discussion on HDMI audio output switching automatically
for the gory details. I haven't bothered, since this is something I'll
do only rarely, when I want to give one of those multimedia presentations
I sometimes contemplate but never actually give.
So for me, it's not worth fighting with udev when, by the time I
actually need HDMI audio, the udev syntax probably will have changed again.
Aliases to make switching easy
But when I finally do break down and design a multimedia presentation,
I'm not going to be wanting to do all this fiddling in the presentation
room right before the talk. I want to set up aliases to make it easy.
There are two things that need to be done in that case:
make HDMI output the default, and make sure it's unmuted.
Muting can be done automatically with amixer. First run amixer
with no arguments to find out the channel name (it gives a lot of output,
but look through the "Simple mixer control" lines, or speed that up
with amixer | grep control
Once you know the channel name (IEC958 on my laptop), you can run:
amixer sset IEC958 unmute
The rest of the alias is just shell hackery to create a file called
.asoundrc with the right stuff in it, and saving .asoundrc before
overwriting it. My alias in .zshrc is set up so that I can
say hdmisound on or hdmisound off (with no arguments, it
assumes on), and it looks like this:
# Send all audio output to HDMI.
# Usage: hdmisound [on|off], default is on.
hdmisound() {
if [[ $1 == 'off' ]]; then
if [[ -f ~/.asoundrc ]]; then
mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.hdmi
amixer sset IEC958 mmute
if [[ -f ~/.asoundrc ]]; then
mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.nohdmi
cat >> ~/.asoundrc <<EOF
pcm.dmixer {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
ipc_key_add_uid false
ipc_perm 0660
slave {
pcm "hw:0,3"
rate 48000
channels 2
period_time 0
period_size 1024
buffer_time 0
buffer_size 4096
pcm. !default {
type plug
slave.pcm "dmixer"
amixer sset IEC958 unmute
Of course, I could put all that .asoundrc content into a file and just
copy/rename it each time. But then I have another file I need to make
sure is in place on every laptop; I decided I'd rather make the alias
self-contained in my .zshrc.
Tags: linux, audio, speaking
11:57 Oct 30, 2015
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Tue, 27 Oct 2015
For about a decade now I've been happily connecting to projectors to
give talks. xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768
on the laptop's external VGA port, and xrandr --auto
turns it off again after I'm disconnected. No fuss.
But increasingly, local venues are eschewing video projectors and
instead using big-screen TVs, some of which offer only an HDMI port,
no VGA. I thought I'd better figure out how to present a talk over HDMI
now, so I'll be ready when I need to know.
Fortunately, my newest laptop does have an HDMI port. But in case it
ever goes on the fritz and I have to use an older laptop, I discovered
you can buy VGA to HDMI adaptors rather cheaply (about $10) on ebay.
I bought one of those, tested it on my TV at home and it at least
worked there. Be careful when shopping: you want to make sure you're
getting something that takes VGA in and outputs HDMI, rather than the
reverse. Ebay descriptions aren't always 100% clear on that, but if you
check the gender of the connector in the photo and make sure it's right
to plug into the socket on your laptop, you should be all right.
Once you're plugged in (whether via an adaptor, or native HDMI built
into your laptop), connecting is easy, just like connecting with VGA:
xrandr --output HDMI1 --mode 1024x768
Of course, you can modify the resolution as you see fit.
I plan to continue to design my presentations for a 1024x768
resolution for the forseeable future. Since my laptop is 1366x1024,
I can use the remaining 342-pixel-wide swath for my speaker notes
and leave them invisible to the audience.
But for GIMP presentations, I'll probably want to use the full width
of my laptop screen. --mode 1366x768
didn't work -- that
resolution wasn't available -- but running xrandr
no arguments got me a list of available resolutions, which included
1360x768. That worked fine and is what I'll use for GIMP talks and
other live demos where I want more screen space.
Sound over HDMI
My Toastmasters club had a tech session where a few of us tried out
the new monitor in our meeting room to make sure we could use it.
One person was playing a video with sound. I've never used sound in
a talk, but I've always wanted to find an excuse to try it.
Alas, it didn't "just work" -- xrandr's video settings have nothing
to do with ALSA's audio settings. So I had to wait until I got home so
I could do web searches and piece together the answer.
First, run
aplay -l
, which should show something like this:
$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Find the device number for the HDMI device, which I've highlighted here:
in this case, it's 3 (which seems to be common on Intel chipsets).
Now you can run a test:
$ aplay -D plughw:0,3 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono
If you don't hear anything, don't worry: the HDMI channel is probably muted
if you've never used it before. Run either
Now find the channel representing your HDMI connection.
(HDMI must be plugged in for this to work.) In alsamixer, it's called
S/PDIF; in alsamixergui, it's called IEC958.
If you look up either of those terms,
Wikipedia S/PDIF
will tell you that S/PDIF is the Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format,
a data protocol and a set of physical specifications.
Those physical specifications appear to have nothing to do with video,
and use connectors that are nothing like HDMI. So it doesn't make much
sense. Just remember that if you see IEC958 or S/PDIF in ALSA, that's
probably your HDMI channel.
In the alsamixergui screenshot, IEC958 is muted: you can tell because
the little speaker icon at the top of the column is bright white.
If it were unmuted, the speaker icon would be grey like most of the others.
Yes, this seems backward. It's Linux audio: get used to obscure user interfaces.
In the alsamixer screenshot, the mutes are at the bottom of each column,
and MM indicates a channel is muted (like the Beep channel in the screenshot).
S/PDIF is not muted here, though it appears to be at zero volume.
(The 00 doesn't tell you it's at zero volume; 00 means it's
not muted. What did I say about Linux audio?)
ALSA apparently doesn't let you adjust the volume of HDMI output:
presumably they expect that your HDMI monitor will have its own volume
control. If your S/PDIF is muted, you can use your right-arrow key to
arrow over to the S/PDIF channel, then type m to toggle muting.
You can exit alsamixer with Ctrl-C (Q and Ctrl-Q don't work).
Now try that aplay -D command again and see if it works.
With any luck, it will (loudly).
A couple of other tests you might want to try:
speaker-test -t sine -f 440 -c 2 -s 1 -D hw:0,3
plays a sine wave.
speaker-test -c 2 -r 48000 -D hw:0,3
runs a general speaker test sequence.
II of Linux HDMI Presentations,
I'll cover some problems I had, and how to write an alias
to make it easy to turn HDMI audio on and off.
Tags: linux, audio, speaking
14:36 Oct 27, 2015
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Tue, 02 Dec 2014
I recently discovered that my ancient stereo turntable didn't survive
our move. So all those LPs I brought along, intending to rip to mp3
when I had more time, will never see bits.
So I need to buy new versions of some of that old music. In particular,
I'd lately been wanting to listen to my old Flanders and Swann albums.
Flanders and Swann were a terrific comedy music duo (think Tom Lehrer
only less scientifically oriented) from the 1960s.
So I ordered a CD of
Complete Flanders & Swann, which contains all three of the
albums I inherited from my parents. Woohoo! I ran a little script I
have that rips a whole CD to a directory of separate MP3 songs, and
I was all set.
Until I listened to it. It turns out that when the LP album was turned
into a CD, they put the track breaks in the wrong place. These albums
are recordings of live performances. Each song has a spoken intro,
giving a little context for the song that follows. On the CD, each
track starts with a song, and ends with the spoken intro for the next
song. That's no problem if you always listen to whole albums in order.
But I like to play individual tracks, or listen to music on random play.
So this wasn't going to work at all.
I tried using audacity to copy the intro from the end of one track and
paste it onto the beginning of another. That worked, but it was tedious
and fiddly. A little research showed me a much better way.
First: Rip the whole CD
First I needed to rip the whole CD as one gigantic track. My script
had been running cdparanoia tracknumber filename.wav
But it took some study of the cdparanoia manual before I finally
found the way to rip a whole CD to one track: you can specify a
range of tracks, starting at 0 and omitting the end track.
cdparanoia 0- outfile.wav
Use Audacity to split and save the tracks
Now what's the best way to split a recording into separate tracks?
Fortunately the Audacity manual has a nice page on that very subject:
Splitting a recording into separate tracks.
Mostly, the issue is setting labels -- with
Tracks->Add Label at Selection or
Tracks->Add Label at Playback Position.
Use Ctrl-1 to zoom as much as you need to see where the short pauses are.
Then listen to the audio, pausing or clicking and setting labels
It's a bit fiddly. For instance, if you pause your listening to set a
label, you might want to save the audacity project so you don't lose
the label positions you've set so far. But you can't save unless you
Stop the playback; and that loses the current playback position which
you may not yet have set a label for. Even if you have set a label for
it, you'll need to click to set the selection to the label you just made
if you want to continue playing from where you left off. It all seems
a little silly and unintuitive ... but after a few tries you'll find a
routine that works for you.
When all your labels are set, then File->Export Multiple....
You will have to go through a bunch of dialogs involving metadata for
each track; just hit return, since audacity ignores any metadata you
type in and won't actually write it to the MP3 file. I have no idea
why it always prompts for metadata then doesn't use it, but you can
use a program like id3tool later to add proper metadata to the tracks.
So, no, the tools aren't perfect. On the other hand, I now have a nice
set of Flanders and Swann tracks, and can listen to Misalliance, Ill
Wind and The GNU Song complete with their proper introductions.
Tags: linux, audio
13:35 Dec 02, 2014
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Wed, 17 Oct 2012
A little while back I wrote about my
xchat script to play sound alerts.
But one thing that's been annoying me about it -- it was a problem
with the old perl alert script too -- is the repeated sounds.
If lots of twitter updates come in on the Bitlbee channel, or if
someone pastes numerous lines into a channel, I hear POPPOPPOPPOPPOPPOP
or repetitions of whatever the alert sound is for that type of message.
It's annoying to me, but even more so to anyone else in the same room.
It would be so much nicer if I could have it play just one repetition
of any given alert, even if there are eight lines all coming in at the
same time. So I decided to write a Python class to handle that.
My existing code used subprocesses to call the basic ALSA sound player,
/usr/bin/aplay -q
Initially I used
if not os.fork() : os.execl(APLAY, APLAY, "-q", alertfile)
but I later switched to the cleaner[APLAY, '-q', alertfile])
But of course, it would be better to do it all from Python without
requiring an external process like aplay. So I looked into that first.
Sadly, it turns out Python audio support is a mess. The built-in libraries
are fairly limited in functionality and formats, and the external
libraries that handle sound are mostly unmaintained, unless you want
to pull in a larger library like pygame. After a little web searching
I decided that maybe an aplay subprocess wasn't so bad after all.
Okay, so how should I handle the subprocesses? I decided the best way was
to keep track of what sound was currently playing. If another alert fires
for the same sound while that sound is already playing, just ignore it.
If an alert comes in for a different sound, then wait() for the
current sound to finish, then start the new sound.
That's all quite easy with Python's subprocess module.
returns a Popen object that tracks
a process ID and can check whether that process has finished or not.
If self.curpath is the path to the sound currently playing
and self.current is the Popen object for whatever aplay process
is currently running, then:
if self.current :
if self.current.poll() == None :
# Current process hasn't finished yet. Is this the same sound?
if path == self.curpath :
# A repeat of the currently playing sound.
# Don't play it more than once.
else :
# Trying to play a different sound.
# Wait on the current sound then play the new one.
self.curpath = path
self.current = subprocess.Popen([ "/usr/bin/aplay", '-q', path ] )
Finally, it's a good idea when exiting the program to check whether
any aplay process is running, and wait() for it. Otherwise, you might
end up with a zombie aplay process.
def __del__(self) :
I don't know if xchat actually closes down Python objects gracefully,
so I don't know whether the __del__ destructor will actually be called.
But at least I tried. It's possible that a
manager might be more reliable.
The full scripts are on github at
for the basic SoundPlayer class, and
for the xchat script that includes SoundPlayer.
Tags: programming, python, audio
13:07 Oct 17, 2012
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Mon, 18 Apr 2011
I had to buy a new hard drive recently, and figured as long as I had a
new install ahead of me, why not try the latest Ubuntu 11.04 beta,
"Natty Narwhal"?
One of the things I noticed right away was that sound was really LOUD! --
and my usual volume keys weren't working to change that.
I have a simple setup under openbox: Meta-F7 and Meta-F8 call a shell
script called "louder" and "softer" (two links to the same script),
and depending on how it's invoked, the script calls
aumix -v +4
or aumix -v -4
Great, except it turns out aumix doesn't work -- at all -- under Natty
684416). Rumor has it that Natty has dropped all support for OSS
sound, though I don't know if that's actually true -- the bug has
been sitting for four months without anyone commenting on it.
(Ubuntu never seems terribly concerned about having programs in
their repositories that completely fail to do anything; sadly,
programs can persist that way for years.)
The command-line replacement for aumix seems to be amixer, but its
documentation is sketchy at best. After a bit of experimentation, I
found if I set the Master volume to 100% using alsamixergui, I could
call amixer set PCM 4-
or 4-
. But I couldn't
use amixer set Master 4+
-- sometimes it would work but
most of the time it wouldn't.
That all seemed a bit too flaky for me -- surely there must be a
better way? Some magic Python library? Sure enough, there's
python-alsaaudio, and learning how to use it took a lot less
time than I'd already wasted trying random amixer commands to see
what worked. Here's the program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Set the volume louder or softer, depending on program name.
import alsaaudio, sys, os
increment = 4
# First find a mixer. Use the first one.
try :
mixer = alsaaudio.Mixer('Master', 0)
except alsaaudio.ALSAAudioError :
sys.stderr.write("No such mixer\n")
cur = mixer.getvolume()[0]
if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).startswith("louder") :
mixer.setvolume(cur + increment, alsaaudio.MIXER_CHANNEL_ALL)
else :
mixer.setvolume(cur - increment, alsaaudio.MIXER_CHANNEL_ALL)
print "Volume from", cur, "to", mixer.getvolume()[0]
Tags: python, audio, ubuntu, natty
21:13 Apr 18, 2011
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Sun, 13 Jun 2010
Update: though the rest of this article is still useful in
explaining how to un-blacklist the pcspkr module, unfortunately
that module works very erratically. Sometimes you'll get a beep,
sometimes not. So this article may be a good start but it still
doesn't explain why Ubuntu's kernels have such a flaky pcspkr module.
For years I've used Ubuntu with my own kernels rather than the kernels
Ubuntu provides. I have several reasons: home-built kernels boot a lot
faster (when I say a lot, I mean like saving 30 seconds off a one-minute
boot) and offer more control over options. But a minor reason is that
Ubuntu kernels generally don't support the system beep, so for example
there's no way to tell in vim when you get out of insert mode. (In the
past I've sometimes used the excellent
fancy beeper
module to play sounds, but I don't always want that.)
On Ubuntu's latest "Lucid Lynx", I'm using their kernel (so far).
The Ubuntu kernel team has made huge improvements in boot time and number
of modules loaded, so it's much more efficient than past kernels.
But it did leave me without a beeper.
modprobe pcspkr
failed to do anything except print the enigmatic:
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/00local, it will be ignored in a future release.
modprobe -v pcspkr
(verbose) was no help -- it printed
install /bin/true
which didn't make anything clearer.
To get my beep back, I had to do two things:
First, edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and comment out the line
blacklisting pcspeakr. It looks like this:
# ugly and loud noise, getting on everyone's nerves; this should be done by a
# nice pulseaudio bing (Ubuntu: #77010)
blacklist pcspkr
(They don't seem to be concerned about anyone who doesn't run Pulse,
or about the various other bugs involved -- there's quite a laundry
list in
Secomd. pcspkr was blacklisted a second time in a different way, in that
file so confusingly alluded to by the warning. /etc/modprobe.d/00local
was apparently left over from a previous version of Ubuntu, and never
removed by any upgrade script, and consisted of this:
install pcspkr /bin/true
Aha! So that's why modprobe -v pcspkr
install /bin/true
-- because that's all it was doing instead
of loading the module like I'd asked.
So rm /etc/modprobe.d/00local
was the second step, and
once I'd done that, modprobe pcspkr
loaded the module and
gave me my system beep.
Tags: ubuntu, lucid, audio
14:02 Jun 13, 2010
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Sun, 11 Oct 2009
Ah, silence is golden!
For my birthday last month, Dave gave me a nice pair of Bose powered
speakers to replace the crappy broken set I'd been using.
Your basic computer speakers, except I actually use them primarily
for a little portable radio I listen to while hacking.
Only one problem: they had a major hum as soon as I turned them on.
Even when I turned on the radio, I could hear the hum in the
background. It got better if I turned the speakers way down and
the radio up -- it wasn't coming from the radio.
After about a month it was starting to irritate me.
I mentioned it on #linuxchix to see if anyone had any insights.
Maria and Wolf did, and narrowed it down pretty quickly to some sort
of ground problem. The speakers need to get a real ground from somewhere.
They don't get it through their AC power plug (a two-prong wall wart).
They also don't get it from the radio, which is plugged in to AC
via its own 2-prong wall wart, so it doesn't have a ground either.
How could I test this? Wolf suggested an alligator clip going from
one of the RCA plugs on the back of the speaker to my computer's case.
But it turned out there was an easier way. These speakers have dual
inputs: a second set of RCA plugs so I can have another cable going
to an MP3 player, radio or whatever, without needing to unplug
from the radio first. I ran a spare cable from these second RCA plugs
to the sound card output of my spare computer -- bingo!
The hum entirely went away.
I suppose most people buy this type of speaker for use with computers,
so it isn't a problem. But I was surprised that they'd adapt so
poorly to a portable device like a radio or MP3 player. Is that so uncommon?
Tags: tech, audio
21:49 Oct 11, 2009
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Wed, 17 Jun 2009
A couple of year ago I figured out how to make
system beep sounds on Linux, like MacOS has done forever.
But then I changed machines and somehow never got around to setting it
up on any other machine.
But the Intel dual-Atom board doesn't seem to support a system beep --
there's no obvious place on the motherboard to plug in the connector
going to the case speaker. How odd!
With the alternative being no beep at all,
I dusted off my old blog post and went to see if
Fancy Beeper
Daemon kernel module still existed. Happily, it does, and it's
up-to-date for current kernels, so all I had to do was download the
latest and build it. Easy! Then I added "beep" to the list of
automatically loaded modules in /etc/modules
blacklisted the pcspkr module using the
technique, and I was all set.
Except for the really important question: what sound to choose?
I did a little web searching for free sounds and downloaded some samples
to try out. Then I added a few bird calls from my
Field Guide to Western Bird Songs CD,
editing them in audacity to make them shorter and
more appropriate for system beeps.
But I still couldn't decide on just one ... and why should I?
I've really been enjoying my
wallpaper: every time I log in, I get a different desktop background.
It's fun to see a new picture every day.
Why not do the same for my system beep?
That's no problem, using the same
script I use for wallpaper. I just put this in my .xinitrc:
$HOME/bin/mybeepd `find $HOME/Music/beeps -name "*.wav" | randomline` &
and now I get a different beep sound each day.
Yesterday it was a loon. Today it's a cow mooing.
Tags: linux, audio, desktop
21:11 Jun 17, 2009
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Wed, 03 Jun 2009

The Walden West pond is hopping -- literally!
This afternoon around 3pm the pond's resident bullfrogs,
who normally just float quietly in the scum on the surface,
would suddenly hop out of the water for no obvious
reason, then settle back down a few feet away.
One pair was apparently mating like that, the larger frog hopping
onto the back of the smaller frog, then immediately off again.
And the pond was full of sound, sometimes with two or more
frogs booming at once. Bullfrogs in stereo!
I didn't have the SLR along, but some of the frogs were close enough
(and calm enough not to submerge when we got near them) that I was
able to get a few decent shots.
But I really wanted to capture that sound. So I put the camera
in video mode and shot a series of videos hoping to catch some
of the music ... and did.
They sound like this:
bullfrog (mp3, 24kb).
Despite the title of this entry, the recording doesn't have any
interesting stereo effects; the only microphone was the one built
in to my Canon A540. It did okay, though! You'll just have to
use your imagination to place two frogs as you listen, one 20 feet
to the left and the other 15 feet to the right.
How to extract the audio from a camera video
(Non open source people can quit reading here.)
Extracting the audio was a little tricky. I found lots of pages ostensibly
telling me how to do it with mencoder, but none of them seemed to work.
This did:
mplayer -vc null -af volume=15 -vo null -ao pcm -benchmark mvi_8992.avi
I added that -af volume=15
argument to make the sound
louder, since it was a bit quiet as it came from the camera.
That produced a file named audiodump.wav, which I turned into an
mp3 like this:
lame audiodump.wav bullfrogs.mp3
Tags: nature, bullfrog, linux, audio
21:42 Jun 03, 2009
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Fri, 07 Dec 2007
(A culture of regressions, part 2)
I've been running on Ubuntu's latest, "Gutsy gibbon", for maybe
a month now. Like any release, it has its problems that I've needed to
work around. Like many distros, these problems won't be fixed before
the next release. But unlike other distros, it's not just lack of
developer time; it turns out Ubuntu's developers point to an official
policy as a reason not to fix bugs.
Take the case of the
bug. Aumix just plain doesn't work in gutsy. It prints,
"aumix: SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK" and exits.
This turns out to be some error in the way it was compiled.
If you apt-get the official ubuntu sources, build the package
and install it yourself, it works fine. So somehow they got a glitch
during the process of building it, and produced a bad binary.
(Minor digression -- does that make this a GPL violation? Shipping
sources that don't match the distributed binary? No telling what
sources were used to produce the binary in Gutsy. Not that anyone
would actually want the sources for the broken aumix, of course.)
It's an easy fix, right? Just rebuild the binary from the source
in the repository, and push it to the servers.
Apparently not. A few days ago, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote in the bug:
This bug was nominated for Gutsy but does currently not qualify for a 7.10 stable release update (SRU) and the nomination is therefore declined.
According the the SRU policy, the fix should already be deployed and
tested in the current development version before an update to the
stable releases will be considered. [ ... ]
Of course, I clicked on the link to receive enlightenment.
Ubuntu's Stable Release page explains
Users of the official release, in contrast, expect a high degree of
stability. They use their Ubuntu system for their day-to-day work, and
problems they experience with it can be extremely disruptive. Many of
them are less experienced with Ubuntu and with Linux, and expect a
reliable system which does not require their intervention.
by way of explaining the official Ubuntu policy on updates:
Stable release updates will, in general, only be issued in order to
fix high-impact bugs. Examples of such bugs include:
- Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a
security vulnerability
- Bugs which represent severe regressions from the previous release of Ubuntu
- Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a
loss of user data
Clearly aumix isn't a security vulnerability or a loss of user data.
But I could make a good argument that a package that doesn't work ...
ever ... for anyone ... constitutes a severe regression from
the previous version of that package.
Ubuntu apparently thinks that users get used to packages not working,
and grow to like it. I guess that if you actually fixed
packages that you broke, that would be disruptive to users of the
stable release.
I'm trying to picture these Ubuntu target users, who embrace
regressions and get upset when something that doesn't work at all gets
fixed so that it works as it did in past releases. I can't say I've
ever actually met a user like that myself. But evidently the Ubuntu
Updates Team knows better.
Update: I just have to pass along Dave's comment:
"When an organization gets to the point where it spends more energy
on institutional processes for justifying not fixing
something than on just fixing it -- it's over."
Update: Carla Schroder has also
about this.
Tags: linux, ubuntu, audio
11:21 Dec 07, 2007
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Sat, 08 Sep 2007
It's always amazed me that Linux doesn't let you customize the system
beep. You can call
xset b volume pitch duration
make it beep higher or lower, or you can turn it off or switch
to "visual bell"; but there's nothing like the way most other OSes
let you customize it to any sound you want. (Some desktops let you
customize the desktop alerts, but that doesn't do anything about the
beeping you get from vim, or emacs, or bash, or a hundred other
programs that run in terminals.)
Today someone pointed me toward a
wiki page that led me to
Fancy Beeper
Daemon. This is a small kernel module that adds a device,
/dev/beep, which outputs a byte every time there's a beep.
You can write a very simple daemon (several samples in Python are
included with the module) which reads /dev/beep and plays the
sound of your choice.
I downloaded beep-2.6.15+.tar.gz, but it needed one tweak
to build it under 2.6.23-rc3: I needed to add
#include <linux/sched.h>
among the includes at the beginning of beep.c.
After that, it compiled and installed just fine.
Since it's a kernel module, it works in consoles as well as under X.
/dev/beep is created with owner and group root, and readable/
writable only by owner and group, so to test it I had to
chmod 666 /dev/beep
to run the daemon. I fixed that by
making a file in /etc/udev/rules.d called 41-beep.rules,
KERNEL=="beep", GROUP="audio"
Finally, based on the nice samples that came with the module, I wrote
my own very simple Python daemon,
that uses aplay.
Lots of fun! I don't know how much I'll use it, but it's good to have
the option of custom beep sounds.
Tags: linux, audio, kernel
21:47 Sep 08, 2007
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Thu, 28 Jun 2007
I upgraded my laptop's Ubuntu partition from Edgy to Feisty.
Debian Etch works well, but it's just too old and I can't build
software like GIMP that insists on depending on cutting-edge
But Feisty is cutting edge in other ways, so
it's been a week of workarounds, in two areas: Firefox and the kernel.
I'll start with Firefox.
Firefox crashes playing flash
First, the way Ubuntu's Firefox crashes when running Flash.
I run flashblock, fortunately, so I've been able to browse the web
just fine as long as I don't click on a flashblock button.
But I like being able to view the occasional youtube video,
and flash 7 has worked fine for me on every distro except Ubuntu.
I first saw the problem on Edgy, and upgrading to Feisty didn't cure the
But it wasn't their Firefox build; my own "kitfox" firefox
build crashed as well. And it wasn't their flash installation; I've
never had any luck with either their adobe flash installer nor their
opensource libswfdec, so I'm running the same old flash 7 plug-in
that I've used all along for other distros.
To find out what was really happening, I ran Firefox from the
commandline, then went to a flash page. It turned out it was
triggering an X error:
The error was: 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'.
(Details: serial 104 error_code 8 request_code 145 minor_code 3)
That gave me something to search for. It turns out there's a longstanding
bug, 14911 filed on this issue, with several workarounds.
Setting the environment variable XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS to 1 fixed the
problem, but, reading farther in the bug, I saw that the real problem
was that Ubuntu's installer had, for some strange reason, configured
my X to use 16 bit color instead of 24. Apparently this is pretty
common, and due to some bug involving X's and Mozilla's or Flash's
handling of transparency, this causes flash to crash Mozilla.
So the solution is very simple. Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, look
for the DefaultDepth line, and if it's 16, that's your problem.
Change it to 24, restart X and see if flash works. It worked for me!
Eliminating Firefox's saved session pester dialog
While I was fiddling with Firefox, Dave started swearing. "Why does
Firefox always make me go through this dialog about restoring the last
session? Is there a way to turn that off?"
Sure enough, there's no exposed preference for this, so I poked around
about:config, searched for browser and found
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash. Doubleclick that
line to change it to false and you'll have no more pesky
For more options related to session store, check the
Session Restore page.
Kernel: runaway kacpid
Alas, having upgraded to Feisty expressly so that I could build
cutting-edge programs like GIMP, I discovered that I couldn't build
anything at all. Anything that uses heavy CPU for more than a minute
or two triggers a kernel daemon, kacpid, to grab most of the CPU for
itself. Being part of the kernel (even though it has a process ID),
kacpi is unkillable, and prevents the machine from shutting down,
so once this happens the only solution is to pull the power plug.
This has actually been a longstanding Ubuntu problem
(bug 75174)
but it used to be that disabling acpid would stop kacpid from
running away, and with feisty, that no longer helps.
The bug is also
bug 8274.
The Ubuntu bug suggested that disabling cpufreq solved it for one
person. Apparently the only way to do that is to build a new kernel.
There followed a long session of attempted kernel building.
It was tricky because of course I couldn't build on the
target machine (inability to build being the problem I was trying to
solve), and even if I built on my desktop machine,
a large rsync of the modules directory would trigger a
runaway kacpi. In the end, building a standalone kernel with
no modules was the only option.
But turning off cpufreq didn't help, nor did any of the other obvious
acpi options. The only option which stops kacpid is to disable acpi
altogether, and use apm. I'm sorry to lose hibernate, and temperature
monitoring, but that appears to be my only option with modern kernels.
Kernel: Hangs for 2 minutes at boot time initializing sound card
While Dave and I were madly trying to find a set of config options to
build a 2.6.21 that would boot on a Vaio (he was helping out with his
SR33 laptop, starting from a different set of config options) we both
hit, at about the same time, an odd bug: partway through boot, the
kernel would initialize the USB memory stick reader:
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sda
sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
and then it would hang, for a long time. Two minutes, as it turned
out. And the messages after that were pretty random: sometimes related
to the sound card, sometimes to the network, sometimes ... GConf?!
(What on earth is GConf doing in a kernel boot sequence?)
We tried disabling various options to try to pin down the culprit:
what was causing that two minute hang?
We eventually narrowed the blame to the sound card (which is a Yamaha,
using the ymfpci driver). And that was enough information for google
to find this
Linux Kernel Mailing List thread. Apparently the sound maintainer
decided, for some reason, to make the ymfpci driver depend on an
external firmware file ... and then didn't include the firmware file,
nor is it included in the alsa-firmware package he references in that
message. Lovely. I'm still a little puzzled about the timeout: the
post does not explain why, if a firmware file isn't found on the
disk, waiting for two minutes is likely to make one magically appear.
Apparently it will be fixed in 2.6.22, which isn't much help for
anyone who's trying to run a kernel on any of the 2.6.21.* series
in the meantime. (Isn't it a serious enough regression to fix in
2.6.21.*?) And he didn't suggest a workaround, except that
alsa-firmware package which doesn't actually contain the firmware
for that card.
Looks like it's left to the user to make things work.
So here's what to do: it turns out that if you take a 2.6.21 kernel,
and substitute the whole sound/pci/ymfpci directory from a 2.6.20
kernel source tree, it builds and boots just fine. And I'm off and
running with a standalone apm kernel with no acpi; sound works, and I
can finally build GIMP again.
So it's been quite a week of workarounds. You know, I used to argue
with all those annoying "Linux is not ready for the desktop"
people. But sometimes I feel like Linux usability is moving in the
wrong direction. I try to imagine explaining to my mac-using friends
why they should have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf because their distro
set up a configuration that makes Firefox crash, or why they need to
build a new kernel because the distributed ones all crash or hang
... I love Linux and don't regret using it, but I seem to need
workarounds like this more often now than I did a few years ago.
Sometimes it really does seem like the open source world is moving
backward, not forward.
Tags: linux, ubuntu, mozilla, firefox, kernel, audio
23:24 Jun 28, 2007
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Wed, 01 Jun 2005
During Debian upgrades over the last few months, apparently my
system's alsa and aumix scripts had a little private battle for
control of the mixer, and alsa won. The visible symptom was that my
volume was always at 0 when I started up.
I tried re-enabling the aumix script in /etc/init.d, which
had previously controlled my default volume, but it just said
"Saved ALSA mixer settings detected; aumix will not touch mixer."
The solution, in the end, was to remove
/var/lib/alsa/asound.state, set the volume, and
run alsactl store. Someone suggested that I use chattr -i
to make the asound.state file inviolable; it isn't on an ext2/3
filesystem, so that isn't a solution for me, but if my volume goes
wonky again at least I know where to look.
Tags: linux, alsa, audio
10:40 Jun 01, 2005
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Mon, 05 Jul 2004
Cool -- moray on #debian-women worked with me a little on midi,
and I finally have timidity working!
The trick is that there's a tarball I downloaded a while ago
(which means I no longer have the url, but I think it was linked
from the main timidity site) which extracts into a timidity.cfg
and an "instruments" directory (plus a couple of readmes that
don't explain anything, which is why I hadn't unpacked this before).
Turns out that if you put that .cf into /etc/timidity.cfg, then add
a line that says
dir /usr/local/share/timidity
(or wherever you unpack the tarball, as long as it contains
"instruments") then voila, timidity starts working.
That means not only that I can play .midi files (big whoop), but,
more important, I can use all those programs like denemo that come
in the education-music package, plus all the java music API stuff
like the CA music code (for some reason, all these things output
only midi!)
So I played with denemo a little (found out how to enter a chord)
in brief spurts, between long interludes in the house because it's
TOO HOT out here in the office.
Tags: linux, audio
20:00 Jul 05, 2004
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